


Read more about upper body exercises without equipment

Upper Body Exercise What is the best response to the question "What work out should I do?" No matter what equipment you have available, from a fully-stocked supergym in nothing but your body weight, or your garage to a set of dumbbells that are mismatched you can build muscle, lose fat, and sculpt the physique you have always desired. There is no magic set and repetition prescription for building muscle. It turns out that when you look at a number of the best muscle- and strength-building plans, they share a common trait: The absolute number of repetitions for the principal exercises usually add up to around 25. Shoot for your gains and this number will accumulate too. HOW IT WORKS A moderate number of low-rep sets provide a mixture of volume and intensity, which has ever been related to strength and size gains. Almost any combination will work: eight sets of three, or five sets of five, six sets of four all allow you to set some work in with loads that are enormous, challenging, and that is as much math as any meathead should need to do in the gymnasium.
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DIRECTIONS The very first time you perform the workout, you will hit 25 reps for the principal raises by finishing five sets of five, as shown. Perform six sets of four reps, should you repeat the workout. Don't perform this workout more than two times a week, and allow at least three days before duplicating it.
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